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Organisational Development in the Leader’s Shadow (Part 3): Unique, specific, and special

For Individual business decision-makers, the crisis brings mixed emotions and even more mixed results in every case. First of all, there is change, everything is moving and they like it, they see it as a huge opportunity where their creativity, communication and ability to influence can come to the fore. But these virtues can be put to good use in a minor crisis, because when the crisis is serious, people start looking for professional background and knowledge with a magnifying glass. And this is an area that is not the strength of Individual firms. The development for them is new areas, expansion, showing themselves in several fields, professional awards, which perfectly cover up what is often a very weak professional background.

General Individual principles

Experience shows that for an Individual owner, progress is measured in two main ways. The first is the broadest possible recognition, popularity. They believe that the more people know and talk about them, the more successful the business. It’s no coincidence that they participate in all media channels and social media platforms, as they love to be in the spotlight, to get attention and to be featured. Another very important factor for them is precisely one of their biggest shortcomings: because they are superficial, they are just dabbling in the professions, so they know a little bit about a lot of things, but they don’t really know anything perfectly, so professional recognition is a priority for them. In other words, one of the very important milestones in their development is the professional recognition – sometimes fictitious – that they themselves, or the company they represent, or own, receive. At this point, it is very easy to get hold of them, because they are willing to do a lot for the promise of a little popularity or professional recognition. Moreover, they are financially reckless, so they spend the incoming income properly. An Individual conversation cannot fail to mention what they have come up with that is new, how professional it is and how special what they do is. They are not the greatest truth tellers in discussions about development, but the difference between them and their Ruler counterparts is that they do not knowingly omit facts and change figures for the audience, because they really want to believe, they want to influence themselves in the direction that what they say is true. They can repaint reality ten times over and after a while they believe in an alternate reality of their own making. Those who want to draw inspiration for business development from their story should be very careful, because it is quite likely to end in failure. Although there is no consciousness in the misdirection, the result is still the same.

2022-2028 – Development of the Individual

Well, the crisis is not in their favour either, certainly not the type of crisis along which people expect a high degree of professionalism. They basically buried the Individual companies, saying that the market will need the opposite of what they represent. But let’s not forget that in a market transformation, creativity and communication are essential elements for success. Let’s also remember that business decision-makers are intelligent, intelligent people who can recognise their own weaknesses. No wonder, then, that the biggest successes on the way out of the pandemic have been achieved by individually owned companies. Although it should be quickly added that we are talking about those Individual companies who were smart enough to bring Expert content in-house, or at least as external support, or at best both at the same time. After all, they have ideas and the Expert backing to implement them to the highest professional standards. Is such a relationship perfectly conflict-free? Of course not! But it seems that the next six years will definitely have a recipe for success!

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Organisational development in the leader’s shadow (Part 2): Bigger, bigger, bigger!