Organisational Development in the Leader’s Shadow (Part 5): there’s always room for improvement, and now there’s a reason to do it
The Expert type's thinking on development is very clear: you have to develop throughout your life. You need to expand your knowledge and professionalism, and age can't stop you.
Organisational Development in the Leader’s Shadow (Part 4): Everything would be fine like it was
If we need a motto for Supporter decision-makers, the most appropriate versions all cluster around immutability.
Organisational Development in the Leader’s Shadow (Part 3): Unique, specific, and special
Individual business decision-makers see the crisis as a huge opportunity to exercise their creativity, communication, and influence.
When people are aboard the sunk cost ship
After seeing her failure to progress, I have realised that her intense focus on improving her weaknesses has kept her from improving—and capitalising—on her strengths.
Shaking off the rust: re-socialisation post-COVID
It got me thinking: what other social skills of mine have grown rusty?
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