The basic theory of humanism was – to put it very simply – that “man became the focus”. This Renaissance-era movement called for a major change of approach in many areas of life. 2022 is clearly the beginning of modern humanism. Although the basic theory is the same as several hundred years earlier, the practical application of the theory in a technologically impulsive, pandemic-hit era is obviously very different. And if we want to succeed in business, we need to be aware of these differences.
The aggravating factor?
In addition, all this change is taking place in the meantime, with the home office breaking into our lives, which further increases the distance between the employer and the employee. But does it really increase? I mean, not physically, that’s clear. But does someone really have to physically sit at the workplace in 2022 for someone to be able to do their job at a high level? Many experts have already given a variety of answers over the last year, and I think it has taken almost two years for us to come up with meaningful definitions on this issue. To be sure, if the efficiency of the employees in the home office, their results, and any other indicators of work are better, then the management work and the corporate atmosphere, i.e., the whole HR activity at the company, could not have been good before the pandemic. If people don’t want to go back to work, even though they could, then, again, there’s just something wrong with management and HR work. No matter how idealistic my answer may seem, if an employee doesn’t feel the urge to spend the right amount of time at the office, there are serious problems with the work environment. And I’m not talking here about the first months of the home office when employees were given time off, not that everyone always has to sit in the office if they work or not. On the other hand, I must say that an employer must create the conditions for employees to experience that they are more successful in their work if they work in the workplace. Whether this can now be achieved with the right leader, motivational benefit package, or colleagues also depends on the economic sector and the job. But it’s not that people have to love to go to work. Many business owners tell their mentors when they finally reach the level where they are only doing the things they love. Then they immediately add that they work more anyway, but not as a job, but as a profession; they like to cultivate their lives, so it makes them happy. Why do we think that just because an employee does not own a company that they do not have the same expectations and dreams? And why do we think that this opportunity cannot be created in an employee culture as well? However, if this works, colleagues can hardly wait to go to the office or work well from home. We just have to take the saying “my job is my second home” seriously. Sure, it’s all idealistic, but by no means can we say it’s a setback, as there have always been jobs where people have been happy to go to work. They knew exactly that they wanted to belong there, as they would receive a “package” in exchange for their work that ensured their happiness. Perhaps the difference is that this package now must not only look like it should ensure happiness, but also make people truly happy.
The key word is “care”
And there is only one way to do that: if we really care about people! If we really care about workers, and in the minds of decision-makers, the concept of worker and person are one and the same. It’s easy to describe this – and it’s obvious – but it’s much harder to do it in a business plan. Of course, the employee side must do the same for the cause. The alibi job will be over, you really have to work, and of course the employee has to be in the place and position that he or she deserves. You will not be able to play with the happiness of yourself and others for a long time as a bad leader. It’s a domino effect. A lot of decision-makers came to mind during the pandemic and saw clearly that they wanted to force a role that wasn’t for them. Even if not from one moment to the next, you have to step out of the role, even if you feel like you are losing your standard of living in the short term. Even if for them, the “standard of living” is equal to money and objective goods. Incidentally, the process is increasingly self-generating within companies. At the same time, having witnessed 40-50 organisational development projects, it is easy to see how teams and organisations are starting to take shape, and how the “lazy” or “drone” attitudes are starting to be eliminated with good leadership. In a lot of cases, the manager no longer had a hard time because the team expelled the unsuitable worker. Even today, quiet people do not tolerate anyone ruining the “second home vibe” just because they just can’t look in the mirror. It will be of paramount importance for managers, company executives, and business owners to really get to know their people and employees. And now the moment is also historic, as now is the time to sit down to discuss these issues without looking completely insane, since who wouldn’t want to talk about deeper things in early 2022? It is a very big challenge for HR to create forums for “honesty” which, by the way, obviously exist in a lot of variations and are very position- and sector-dependent. What is certain, however, is that the key to success will be honesty to the right limit. Because everyone knows that in a marriage you can live for a long time with lies and half-truths, but anyone who has ever had a completely honest relationship where you don’t have to waste any energy to distort things knows exactly what I’m talking about. Of course, there are different principles there too, there are those who believe in complete, brutal honesty, and there are those who do not lie but do not tell the whole truth, and there are still a lot of solutions between the two. Workplaces also need to find the minimum level that is needed for employees, managers, and subordinates to feel “comfortable”. After all, that’s where the motivation comes in, that’s where the performance will be, and then we can say we will have a successful 2022.