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TOP 10 Articles of 2023: #4 Shifting demand and independence in the market for automation experts

The automation industry is moving towards a dramatic increase in productivity, driven by energy efficiency, high-quality engineering, and extremely stringent safety standards.

Shifting demand and independence in the market for automation experts

The automation industry is moving towards a dramatic increase in productivity, driven by energy efficiency, high-quality engineering, and extremely stringent safety standards.

It’s time for NERDMATION – Automation and IT expertise (Episode 2)

“Body-leasing" services, often used in the IT field, can bring real experts to companies that would have no chance of attracting such talents as employees.

Time for NERDMATION – Automation and IT expertise (Part 1)

“Body-leasing" services, often used in the IT field, can bring real experts to companies that would have no chance of attracting such talents as employees.


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