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The HR Ego and the Battle for Talent: Successful talent management programmes since 2020

If we were to summarise the impact of talent management market changes since 2020, it could be said that in all the successful organisational development exercises have applied a combination of two basic methodologies.

Spy Game (Part 2): Selection-focused talent management

Selection-focused talent management is definitely a luxury for HR, and it's one that has to be fought for, because the best talent isn't going to just rush in.

Blue-Collar Salary Changes in 2022

If you do not work in the HR profession, you may be surprised by how people rank compensation when evaluating job prospects.

Spy Game (part 1): Selection-focused talent management

The emergence of selection-focused talent management roughly coincides with the start of the startup world's conquest of the world, but it is no longer only used by one-off global companies.

Once you get your foot in the door (Part 2): Development-focused talent management

Development-focused talent management always thinks in terms of the existing workforce and tries to make the most of it, both in terms of performance and in terms of reducing employee turnover.

Once you get your foot in the door (Part 1): Development-focused talent management

Development-focused talent management can be successfully applied in today's highly competitive environment, with the right transformation.

I’ll work when I’m happy: New generations and talent management

The challenges of talent management cannot be solved without building a high level of idol management. This is usually where modern HR today is seriously stuck.

A YEAR AGO: When a frustrated person leads an even more frustrated one

Experts say we’re close to getting our lives back to normal, but our people are coming back to work with the baggage and frustration of the past year and a half. Should we start to worry?

New strategic business position after the pandemic: Complex workforce management

In the wake of the pandemic, one of the cornerstones of today's workforce management is “automation”, and the line between HR and automation is fading away.

Prevention and Research for Maximum Performance – A European Premiere in Hungary

A new knowledge centre, based on a concept that has a decades-long history of success overseas, has started its activities in Hungary, assessing and managing people’s long-term health.


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