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Business stories we are following this week

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Three business stories we are following this week.

The fate of the business district

Offices are still pretty empty. So, what does the future hold for business districts?

Defeating the outsourcing demon (Part 2)

Although the world has been moving steadily towards "outsourcing" for decades, many people are still completely averse to its use. But attitudes are shifting because of the pandemic.

Defeating the outsourcing demon (Part 1)

Although the world has been clearly moving towards "outsourcing" for decades, many people are still completely averse to its use. And the pandemic has given a major boost to this trend.

The Right to Disconnect

The grace period for managing remote workers is over, so there is an increasing need to manage, and possibly police, remote work.

The mouthpieces and the quiet ones

The “home office” framework is not a lot of fun, nor is it a temporary COVID solution that can be discarded immediately upon reopening; it is a big motivator that drastically affects employee preference.

COVID-19 RE-OPENING EXCLUSIVE: Nr. 8. – Chatterbox? Manipulation? Destroy it now! Organisational Development Guide 2021, Part 2

Ours partners expect concrete answers, explanations, and, most importantly, a solution.

Abandoned careers, weaker work ethic

In a surprising turn, the crisis is causing more and more key people to leave their secure jobs, and many more are making sector changes. The HR profession is facing a challenging year.

The curse of being good – Organisational Development Guide 2021, Part 3

The ability to manipulate is not necessarily bad for the company; in fact, it can be especially beneficial in certain circumstances.


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