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health awareness

HomeTagsHealth awareness

Complex Business Development: A vision for the future?

Most research in the post-pandemic period has defined two distinct categories of active businesses in terms of performance.

The experienced design behind the spa experience

Due to the energy intensity of the spa sector, high-quality professional design is needed to achieve sustainable, fault-free, water-efficient, and health-friendly operation in the long term.

Complex water treatment for a complex world

Water is present in almost every aspect of our lives and we come into contact with it daily. Yet, precisely because of this, few people realise how complex the processes involved in water consumption are.

Corporate Evolution

The adaptation of successful companies in post-pandemic spa tourism

The Moment of Truth

With the rise of health consciousness following COVID, more and more solutions to protect human health have appeared on the market. One such area is spa and medicinal water treatment.

Living Water (Part 2)

Public baths and swimming pools as dangerous environments – Water composition analysis and expert advice to improve health

Living Water? (Part 1)

Public baths and swimming pools as dangerous environments – Water composition analysis and expert advice for health


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