Team cohesion, its interpretation, or how we approach the topic in different economic periods has different meanings for companies. This is a problem, as the issue of team cohesion should be addressed in the same way in all circumstances to maximise results. Obviously, at a time when the economy is functioning well, and the only question is whether we are successful, it is much more permissible to sacrifice results on the “feeling good” side. In this case, we focus on the team unit in the traditional sense.
That is, in this case, the focus is clearly on everyone fitting in, having an excellent relationship between team members, and all this is achieved without conflict, if possible. With that, of course, we also said to go out with all the individual-focused people, and only team-focused colleagues can stay. There is nothing wrong with that, because the one who works in a team capable of it obviously has a team focus. Yes, but only people are put together in a way that, no matter how complex, does not have all the important features of the world needed for business. At least a particular individual is certainly not, even if someone wants to convey this about themselves, or even if we think of ourselves or others, it’s not true. And here come the basic questions that very few like to answer really honestly. For example, why do we want to work in a team? Why do people need a team? If we bring up this question as a topic, everyone starts to look exclusively at the positive side of the topic, which, unfortunately, is very misleading. We can hear that people can be successful together, or that socialization sets us apart from other living things. But obviously, the important factor is that we are stronger together. And let there be no misunderstanding; each statement is true in itself. They all sound good, and so humane, so human. But why don’t we think a little more deeply into what other factors might be that motivate people to cooperate? Because there is a very important factor that we do not usually overemphasize when it comes to a team of people, but we are completely clear about the animal world, and it also plays a major role in our lives.
The need
This important factor should not be overlooked. After all, wolves hunt together because they know exactly how to get their prey. But if I want to argue with a nicer example, I could also mention ants, as they work together not only on an emotional basis and out of good cheer, but because it is the key to their survival. Don’t think that people don’t have this factor in the picture; they can be largely responsible for the success of a team. It is precisely the need that ensures that people can work and exist in a team, for whom the goal of the other person, or the goal of the given team or organization, does not matter at all, or at least is well behind their own goals. And “the need is great,” as many say. And it’s also worth knowing that when the need goes away, teams built and cooperating based on need collapse on the first more serious vibration like a castle of cards. The evaluation of the present is, of course, very important, but if we are looking for real team cohesion, it is even more important to build a team where not only need dominates, not primarily driven by team members, so to speak, it forces us to cooperate. It’s sure to be a great lesson in team building, whether in business or sports, to forget the cliché “bullshit” that everyone is driven by one goal, and that’s enough to succeed. The degree of team cohesion depends precisely on the extent to which the team-building professional is able to reconcile the often completely different goals of the team members. And if we find two people with the same goal in a given team, then think of it not as a natural element but as a factor of joy.