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A YEAR AGO: Transforming Sales

If anyone wants to succeed in sales, they need to be professional and innovative. Oh, and one more thing: “no bullshit”!

Riding upside down: the practical premium customer experience (Part 1)

The Great Recession of 2008 triggered a counterintuitive increase in demand for premium products; this time around, this trend is even more apparent.


We spoke with Gergő Nidermayer, the company's front man.

Transforming Sales

If anyone wants to succeed in sales, they need to be professional and innovative. Oh, and one more thing: “no bullshit”!

COVID-19 RE-OPENING EXCLUSIVE: Nr. 6. – The Awakening of International Expansion

2020 brought about many trends, many negative and some quite positive. By far the biggest winner of the pandemic now appears to be international expansion.

Superficial Sales Tricks

Gimmicks do not function in the premium sector

The Awakening of International Expansion

2020 brought about many trends, many negative and some quite positive. By far the biggest winner of the pandemic now appears to be international expansion.

Unlimited Opportunities

What employers unequivocally expect from sales is that revenues should increase, but they should hardly hear about it.

I Want to Be Somebody – With Intelligence and Humility Against Self-Destruction

Maybe everyone wants to be “someone”. At the same time, the wise managers only wants to be important in the fields they choose, in the business circles they define.

A promise made is a debt unpaid

Anybody trying to sell something often paints a more beautiful picture than reality. Where is the middle ground where promotional phrases are not just empty promises?


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