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Black Friday: Is it even special anymore?

Once a hallmark of American consumerism, Black Friday has undergone a significant transformation in recent years, losing some of its original fervor yet retaining its cultural significance.

MyMuesli: Personalizing Nutrition, One Cereal Bowl at a Time

The story of MyMuesli teaches invaluable lessons about consumer-centric innovation and the power of personalization in the food industry.

The Unfulfilled Promise of Self-Checkout: A Reality Check for Retailers

The introduction of self-checkout kiosks once promised a retail revolution, but the reality we face today doesn't quite align with this grand vision.

Hipercor: Transforming the Retail Landscape in Spain

In the heart of Spain's retail sector, one company stands out for its long-standing legacy of excellence and innovation.

More than a Mall

The past and future of the Mall of America


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