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premium market

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2022’s Top Ten: #9

Strategic Trends: Premium vs mass (Part 1): The rich who don't spend their money

Strategic Trends: Premium vs mass (Part 3): brand, professionalism, human service

With the post-COVID-19 market rebuilding, there are big question marks about what to expect from premium and mass buyers.

Strategic Trends: Premium vs mass (Part 2): I want to be premium, but I can’t be

Many people will go to great lengths to become premium for a short period. What are the clear commonalities for those who want to "climb the ladder"?

Strategic Trends: Premium vs mass (Part 1): The rich who don’t spend their money

Being rich does not necessarily make you a premium customer. And some people have a premium attitude, but do not have the money to live up to it.

Price Strategy (Part 3): The sensible price

Recovering from the first phase of the COVID-19 crisis, reviewing and reshaping pricing strategy in a number of strategic areas is a key task.

Price Strategy (Part 2): Premium Pricing in 2022

The true premium market has developed, where price is almost irrelevant, and knowledge, service, or even faith, self-confidence, and other often intangible elements have taken centre stage.

Swallow the Premium Frog – The Drastic Transformation of the Premium Market (Part 2)

This long-running process will be brought to its conclusion by COVID.

Swallow the Premium Frog – The Drastic Transformation of the Premium Market (Part 1)

This long-running process will be brought to its conclusion by COVID.

The 480 Horsepower Nightmare

No matter how much the market for high-end products grows on the demand side, the supply side still often falls behind.


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