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The Evolution of Remote Work in Europe

A Statistical Analysis (2020-2024)

How businesses are pushing the pricing envelope

Can they keep getting away with it?

The pandemic did not change everything: Part 2, retiring the myth of early retirements

Contrary to initial predictions, Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 rapidly re-entered the job market.

The pandemic did not change everything: Part 1, the “she-cession”

In the early stages of the pandemic, women were disproportionately affected, facing significant job losses in what was dubbed the "she-cession.” But did it last?


Affordable housing has become a pressing issue in communities around the world. Are short-term rental platforms to blame?

With Humility, to The Hero of the Night – A Guide for Leaders in a Period of Pandemic and War

What is the perfect business behaviour during a pandemic and then a war? What are our duties and responsibilities? There is no textbook answer!

COVID-19 RE-OPENING EXCLUSIVE: Nr. 6. – The Awakening of International Expansion

2020 brought about many trends, many negative and some quite positive. By far the biggest winner of the pandemic now appears to be international expansion.

The Awakening of International Expansion

2020 brought about many trends, many negative and some quite positive. By far the biggest winner of the pandemic now appears to be international expansion.


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