Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA
Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA
Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA
Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA
Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA
Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA
Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Luxembourg The Netherlands Norway Poland Spain Sweden Switzerland UK USA
Over 40 years into his music career, Nick Cave was repositioned and "promoted" from a quieter, theatrically renowned artist to a top arena rock performer.
Released a year ago, SOS, SZA's second album was undoubtedly one of the most important albums of the year, and we've been revisiting it again and again this year.
It is perhaps not an exaggeration to say that Björk is probably the most famous Icelandic personality who has ever lived, and one of the most brilliant artists the music world has produced in the last 35 years.
Perhaps it is not an exaggeration to say that the soundtrack is the "soul" of the film, revealing all the components of the narrative, even if the dialogue and plot are not so obvious.
Robert Smith, frontman of The Cure, announced on Thursday that Ticketmaster will provide $5 and $10 refunds to fans who purchased tickets for the band's North American tour.