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Labour market

HomeTagsLabour market

The pandemic did not change everything: Part 2, retiring the myth of early retirements

Contrary to initial predictions, Americans between the ages of 55 and 64 rapidly re-entered the job market.

The pandemic did not change everything: Part 1, the “she-cession”

In the early stages of the pandemic, women were disproportionately affected, facing significant job losses in what was dubbed the "she-cession.” But did it last?

Can AI really replace human programmers?

The ability of generative AI to take on coding tasks that were initially exclusive to human developers has instigated concerns among software engineers about the possibility of being replaced by such programs.

New strategic business position after the pandemic: Complex workforce management

In the wake of the pandemic, one of the cornerstones of today's workforce management is “automation”, and the line between HR and automation is fading away.

The dangerous influence: manipulation

Manipulation is a dangerous form of influence that does not occur in all situations, but when it does, it can cause serious damage to a business.

Deception at Work

During the pandemic, work efficiency increased just by isolating influencers from their colleagues. This is definitely a warning sign for the future!

Learned Influence

Due in part to the pandemic, influence and manipulation have become the main topics of organisational development in the last two years.

Clear Picture – The new norm for people and human relationships in the labour market, Part 2

Proactive managers are increasingly of the opinion that we must learn to live with COVID. The expectation is understandable, but what does this mean for business?

Clear Picture – The new norm for people and human relationships in the labour market, Part 1

Proactive managers are increasingly of the opinion that we must learn to live with COVID. The expectation is understandable, but what does this mean for business?

The Omicron Wave, School Closures, Worker Shortages, and a Generation without Sports

Stories that will affect everybody's near- and long-term futures


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