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A YEAR AGO: The Business Developer Friend: The transformation of business development as a result of COVID-19 (Episode 3)

We've already seen that a business developer can be a good friend. But what dose of this friendship is healthy for business decision-makers?

2021’s Top Ten: #5

The Business Developer Friend: The transformation of business development as a result of COVID-19 (Episode 1)

The Business Developer Friend: The transformation of business development as a result of COVID-19 (Episode 6)

From a mental point of view, Tokyo was the greatest challenge for both the athletes and the experts preparing them.

The Business Developer Friend: The transformation of business development as a result of COVID-19 (Episode 4)

During COVID, business developers who could select partners in the right way, even in the most difficult times, have been able to remain successful.

The Business Developer Friend: The transformation of business development as a result of COVID-19 (Episode 3)

We've already seen that a business developer can be a good friend. But what dose of this friendship is healthy for business decision-makers?

The Business Developer Friend: The transformation of business development as a result of COVID-19 (Episode 2)

A true business developer is attracted to success and, if this is not assured, the core motivation is lost.

The Business Developer Friend: The transformation of business development as a result of COVID-19 (Episode 1)

A serious factor in decision-making is the human relationship between business partners, which many times overrides the boundaries of common sense. This factor plays a particularly important role in business development.


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