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employer branding

HomeTagsEmployer branding

The three sisters: the relationship between idolism, talent management, and employer branding

Today's talent management problem is the result of idol management and employer branding, which means that to solve it, you need something that can address these three areas simultaneously.

Spy Game (Part 2): Selection-focused talent management

Selection-focused talent management is definitely a luxury for HR, and it's one that has to be fought for, because the best talent isn't going to just rush in.

The new factor of the labour market: Relocations due to COVID – Part 3

Whether we like it or not, potential employees have their own judgements about the COVID-19 responses of countries, states, and cities.

The new factor of the labour market: Relocations due to COVID – Part 2

How each country handled the COVID Crisis will have a significant impact on where the best professionals choose to build their careers.


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