The US government has finally banned the sale of incandescent bulbs. While the decision was indeed part of environmental regulatory efforts, the move did not result from any elaborate political plot. The ban on most incandescent bulbs quietly took effect on August 1, with little fanfare or resistance. The ban prompted varied reactions from the public. Some critics saw it as an example of government overreach, with the Republican Party of New Mexico expressing concern over the loss of the incandescent light bulb, which had been popularized by Thomas Edison. Others bemoaned the quality of light provided by alternative bulbs, fearing the loss of their preferred warm glow.
A Slow Burn
The ban on incandescent bulbs was not a sudden decision but rather the culmination of a long process initiated 16 years ago when President George W. Bush signed the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007. This law mandated that bulbs using 40 to 100 watts of electricity become more energy-efficient over time. Subsequent administrations, including President Barack Obama’s and President Donald J. Trump’s, both played a role in shaping regulations around incandescent bulbs. Trump, in particular, expressed a personal dislike for energy-efficient lighting and falsely claimed that LED bulbs made him look “orange.” In 2020, President Biden announced new rules that reinstated the phasing out of incandescent bulbs, in alignment with environmental protection efforts. Recent polls indicate that a majority of Americans support stricter efficiency standards for appliances and buildings.
While not all types of incandescent bulbs will be banned, their availability will become increasingly limited, making them harder to find in retail stores. Instead, LED bulbs, which are more energy-efficient and have a longer lifespan, will become the standard. Some specialized incandescents, like bug lamps and “odd-sized” bulbs, will still be available.
The ban has not been without controversy, with retailers like expressing concerns about managing unsold inventory, potentially leading to waste in landfills. However, the Energy Department has assured retailers that it will enforce the regulations fairly and equitably, offering flexibility with inventory management.
The switch to more energy-efficient lighting options reflects an ongoing cultural clash between environmental conservation efforts and personal preferences, illustrating the challenge of balancing energy efficiency with consumer choices. As the sale of incandescent bulbs comes to a halt, Americans are urged to embrace the transition to LED bulbs for both environmental and economic benefits.